• 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (Mon_Fri)
  • Building 2, Waterfall Corporate Campus,
  • View On Map
  • 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (Mon_Fri)
  • Building 2, Waterfall Corporate Campus,
  • View On Map

How can we help you

The purpose of discretionary grants is to encourage employers in the safety and security sector to contribute towards the objectives of the Human Resources Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.

The SASSETA Board determines the sector’s areas of strategic importance. This is done by assessing information from Mandatory Grant applications, the Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and other frequent research. In addition to this, strategic areas within SASSETA’s sector are also driven by the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS), which is coordinated by DHET.

Benefits available to SASSETA levy-paying and non-levy paying employers

Levy-paying employers Non-levy paying employers
Employer Discretionary Grants
Bursary Grant Yes Yes
Placement Grant (Learnerships) Yes Yes
National Student Financial Aid Scheme Loan Repayment Grant Yes Yes
NLEG Yes Yes

Discretionary grants



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Hits: 141
Date added: 09-07-2024
Date modified: 09-07-2024

Grant Payment Queries

For any enquiries regarding payments, please contact our Call Centre on (011) 087 5555 or view our Download page for further information