• 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (Mon_Fri)
  • Building 2, Waterfall Corporate Campus,
  • View On Map
  • 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (Mon_Fri)
  • Building 2, Waterfall Corporate Campus,
  • View On Map

How can we help you

With the workplace becoming more and more competitive, skills are the most valuable currency that you can use to secure employment and your future. As the future of our nation, learners have the ability to shape our economy and improve South Africa for the next generations that will follow
At SASSETA, we are driven to help learners reach their true potential through a range of skills development programmes and apprenticeship placements. By pairing you with the training provider and programme that best suits your interests and abilities, you can gain the type of skills that will change your life. Our learners also enjoy career guidance and a learner portal with additional resources so that they can excel and thrive.
For learners looking to enhance their skills and opportunities, you can do so through one of the platforms that we offer:

This is a workplace-based training programme made up of practical learnings and theoretical training that results in a qualification that is registered by the South African Qualifications Authority. This is associated with a trade, qualification or profession.
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This is a specialised training and structured workplace programme that enables university and university of technology graduates/learners to increase their academic qualifications. Participants are offered a full-time placement in a company or Government department with a goal to provide the learner with work experience that builds on the qualification.
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Although similar to a Learnership, this programme is prevalent in trade occupations and balances theory and practice in a single learning process. The completion of an Apprenticeship results in a formal qualification following a trade test that must be passed to attain a professional certification.
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This programme aims to assist learners from technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges to find employment. It also strives to increase the number of skilled artisans in the country. SASSETA places learners with employers so that they can gain experience in the workplace that will help them secure employment.
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This programme can be performed at several NQF levels with learners receiving credits for each successfully completed unit standard. These can then be carried across for the partial completion of qualifications. This is also known as portability of unit standards and is used in changing careers or diversifying a learner’s field of expertise.
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In today’s economic times, not every individual gets the opportunity to study and grow their skill set. Our Bursary programmes see us partnering with public providers from Universities and Universities of Technology (registered with DHET) to provide learners with full bursaries that allow them to complete formal qualifications. Through this, learners can change their lives through skills and education, going on to secure learnerships, internships or full-time employment.
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This is a platform that provides our learners with the guidelines and documentation required to apply for and complete the programme that best suits their requirements. Learn more…

TVET Work-Based Experience

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Projects Beneficiary Success Stories

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