The following terms and definitions have been drawn from the SAQA ETQA Regulations for the ETQA function
Accreditation describes the processes and criteria by which the SASSETA will give formal recognition that an institution, body or person is competent in terms of a specific purpose, for example as an assessment agency, as an assessor, a moderator or as a provider of education and training services
(Accredited) Provider
Any person or body (as described above) who, having met the quality assurance criteria laid down by SAQA, has been formally recognised by SAQA through the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA)
Applied competence
Means the ability to put into practice, in the relevant context, the learning outcomes acquired in obtaining a unit standard and/or qualification
Means the person who is registered by the Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA) in accordance with criteria established by the Standards Generating Body (SGB) to measure the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and “constituent assessor” has a corresponding meaning
Is the process of gathering and weighing evidence in order to determine whether learners have demonstrated outcomes specified in unit standards and/or qualifications registered on the NQF. The generic assessor standard registered by SAQA entitled ‘Plan and conduct assessment of learning outcomes’ outlines the process in detail. The management of assessment is the responsibility of providers
Means belonging to the defined or delegated constituency of an organization or body referred to in the SAQA ETQA regulations. ETQA’s have constituent providers, constituent learners and constituent assessors
Core learning
Means that compulsory learning required in situations contextually relevant to the particular qualifications, and “core” has a corresponding meaning
Means that value assigned by the National Authority to ten (10) notional hours of learning
Critical outcomes
Means those generic outcomes which inform all teaching and learning, and ‘critical cross-field education and training outcomes’ has a corresponding meaning
Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA)
Means a body accredited in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the SAQA Act, responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the monitoring and auditing of national standards or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the SAQA Act
Elective learning
Means a selection of additional credits at the level of the National Qualifications Framework specified, from which a choice may be made to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved, and ‘elective’ has a corresponding meaning
ETD Practitioner
Education, Training and Development Practitioner, is a term used to include the whole spectrum of educators and trainers: teachers, trainers, facilitators, tutors, markers, lecturers, development, officers, mentors and the like
Evidence Facilitation
Is the process by which candidates are assisted to produce and organize evidence for the purpose of assessment? It is not an essential part of every assessment process, but is useful in many contexts. The generic unit standard ‘Facilitate the preparation and presentation of assessment evidence by candidates’ currently being generated by the SGB outlines this process in detail
Exit level outcomes
Means those defined points of learning in a qualification at which a learner may leave the programme with recognition of learning achieved
Means a particular area of learning used as an organizing mechanism for the National Qualifications Framework
Fundamental learning
Means that learning which forms the grounding or basis needed to undertake the education, training or further learning required in the obtaining of a qualification and ‘fundamental’ has a corresponding meaning
Integrated assessment
Means that form of assessment which permits the learner to demonstrate applied competence and which uses a range of formative and summative assessment methods
Learning programme
Means the combination of courses, modules or units of learning (learning materials and methodology) by which learners can achieve the learning outcomes for a qualification
Is the process of ensuring that assessments have been conducted in line with agreed practices, and are fair, reliable and valid. The generic assessor standard registered by SAQA entitled ‘Moderate assessments’ outlines the process in detail. One moderator usually checks the work of several assessors to ensure consistency. The management of moderation is the responsibility of the provider
Moderating body
Means a body specifically appointed by the SASSETA for the purpose of moderation
National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
A set of principles and guidelines, by which records of learner achievement are registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge thereby ensuring an integrated system that encourages life-long learning.
National Unit Standard
It is a description of the end points of learning. Is the smallest unit that can be credited to a learner? It may be stand alone, but are generally forms part of a qualification. It is a statement of expectation and / or aspiration and forms the basis for the judgements or assessments that are made.
Notional hours of learning
Means the learning time that it is conceived it would take an average learner to meet the outcomes defined, and includes concepts such as contact time, time spent in structured learning in the workplace and individual learning
Means the contextually demonstrated end-products of the learning process
Primary focus
Means that activity or objective within the sector upon which an organization or body concentrates its efforts
Professional body
Means a statutory body registered as such in terms of the legislation applicable to such bodies, or a voluntary body performing the functions contemplated in the legislation for such bodies but not registered as such
Means a body which delivers learning programmes (practical and or theoretical) which culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications and manages the assessment thereof
Qualifying learner
Means a learner who has obtained a unit standard and/or qualification
Quality assurance
Means the process of ensuring that the degree of excellence specified is achieved
Quality audit
Means the process of examining the indicators which show the degree of compliance with the QMS
Quality management system (QMS)
Means the combination of processes used to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved
Represents a planned combination/sequence of national unit standards that is intended to provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further learning
A cluster of learning the industry wishes to recognise
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner how so ever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification or unit standard and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements as specified in the accreditation documentation
Registered constituent assessor and moderator
Means a person who is registered by the SASSETA in accordance with criteria established for this purpose by the ETQA to measure the achievements of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications. All ETQA’s must have register of assessors. They may also wish to have similar registers of moderators and verifiers
Registered constituent verifiers
Means persons placed on an official register by the SASSTA after meeting agreed criteria. Constituent verifiers may be contracted by the ETQA to carry out verification activities on its behalf in relation to the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications
Registered standards
Means standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework
Means a defined portion of social, commercial or educational activities used to prescribe the boundaries of an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body.
In the context of this document means the safety and security sector
Specialized learning
Means that specialized theoretical knowledge which underpins application in the area of specialization and “specialization’ has a corresponding meaning
Standard Generating Body (SGB)
Means a body registered in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the SAQA Act, responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the establishing of national standards and/or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the SAQA Act
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
- To oversee the development of the NQF by formulating and publishing policies and criteria for the registration of bodies responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications,
- For the Accreditation of bodies responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of such standards and qualifications,
- To oversee the implementation of the NQF by ensuring the registration, accreditation and assignment of functions to the bodies referred to above, as well as the registration of national standards and qualifications on the framework.
Skills programme
A programme of learning that includes a large element of workplace or on the job training, and leads to a standard, or standards registered on the NQF. The targeted standards should be in line with the priorities of the Sector Skills Plan and the National Skills Development Strategy
Single purpose provider
A provider that offers a range of education and training programs and DOES fit conveniently into the primary focus of a SETA
Multipurpose provider
A provider that offers a range of education and training programs and DOES NOT fit conveniently into the primary focus of a SETA
A work based learning route to a qualification registered on the NQF
Integrates theory and work experience
In the context of this document, the learning program for a qualification that is registered by the SASSETA
Short Course
A learning intervention that contributes towards the outcomes of one or more unit standards and/or qualification
The process by which the recommendations from the provider about the award of credits or qualifications to learners are checked. It is an ETQA function to verify the claims of providers that assessment has been properly conducted and moderated